Saying or even believing that someone is acting “in the interest of public safety” and them actually doing so are two different things.

CNN report on New Orleans LEOs involved in looting.


...The hotel's owner, Osman Khan, told CNN that on the night of August 29, when the city flooded, 70 police officers had moved into his Canal Street hotel. He said that 62 went out to fight looters and thugs on the streets, while eight launched a four-day drinking and looting binge.

"They'd leave [at] nine or 10 at night and come back 4:30 in the morning," carrying "everything from Adidas shoes to Rolex watches," Khan said.

The eight officers were drinking almost all of the time, said hotel engineer Perry Emery, and when he came to the men's 10th floor room to bring towels, he saw "jewelry, generators, fans."

"One time they came back with a bunch of weapons," Emery said. He said he had no doubts about what he witnessed: "These were New Orleans police officers -- looting."

Strange isn't it that the 62 other trained police officers staying in that hotel never noticed or took any action against their criminal colleagues?

Government Emergency Shelter?


Tired, hungry and traumatised by days spent under the damaged roof of a once-gleaming football stadium, the refugees of New Orleans have spoken of a nightmarish week living among the crazed and the desperate.

Stories of rape, murder and suicide have emerged.

Of course these reports are mostly "unconfirmed" and/or denied by "officials". Anyone familiar with complaints or reports of wrong doing against government organizations or agencies can attest to the amazing reliability in which those reports cannot be "confirmed" by internal investigations, unless of course you have video-taped evidence. (Coincidently, the use of cameras and audio-tape recorders are prohibited in government facilities and tapes made by internal surveillance cameras "disappear" with disturbing regularity.)

In any case, I agree wholeheartedly with the OP about having “A Fast Mobilization Plan“. Part of that plan for me is the avoidance of contact with “civil and military authorities” as much as is possible, even if that means disregarding “official instructions and emergency proclamations”.