C'mon embassy... USMC to the rescue!

Seriously though. If I had nothing really with me, then the first thing I would do would be to LOOK like I had nothing. Make myself look poorer and more miserable than I already did. wear the biggest clothes I could find (to hide my probably healthier American body... at least initially), get dirty so it looked like I didn't have access to water or soap. walk like crazy somewhere else, hopefully safe. Don't know how much info I would have on the extent of this disaster, but hopefully I know the nearest big city or border - big city because I figure they will get more international aid and visitors, border because, well, it might be safer in another country.

Do whatever I had to do for a phone of some sort, hopefully be able to keep track of where I am. As soon as I was able, collect call anyone (unlike some people, I don't need a palm for it's phone book feature!) to let them know where I was, where I'm going, when I hope to get there, and hope like hell that my contact does what s/he can to get the diplomats moving.

I think I'd focus on water. Food can wait - after all, being in that healthy American body, I have my "insulation against famine" aka the beer gut (I'm still working on making it bigger).