actually, if i could just get past the language issue and find some clothes, i could probably fit in with royalty or clergy quite easily. think about it: the only people back then who were anywhere close to our modern level of health, education, etc were high nobility. noone else would even likely know how to read, let alone have anything close to a basic high-school education by today's standards. The first thing i'd do is make a b-line for a wooded area, IOW get out of sight. i'd then seek out the nearest monastery to seek sanctuary and clothing. i show that i can write and start copying scripture. i leave with a Bible and get the heck out of Europe. while traveling, vow of silence means i don't have to speak to anyone, thus reducing the risk of giving myself away as a weirdo; monk's garb and possession of holy scripture means i can seek shelter and sustenance at most churches i pass by without too many questions(also might get me that most important second chance if i happen to slip up and do something overtly modern in public).
i beg/steal enough clothes to appear as a member of the upper crust and find a blacksmith. I pay him a few pieces of gold i made by melting the band of my wrist-watch for an axe, bowie, and sword. these are useful anywhere and also much more valuable as barter goods than is gold.
if i manage to reach a port town I set myself up as a merchant. All sorts pass through port cities, so my strange accent would likely seem less unusual. First chance i get i join a ship's crew, a task made easier by my build and knowledge of seaman's knots. i travel the world, live to a ripe old age, and eventually die.
Originally Posted By: scafool
Camping teaches us what things we can live without.

Originally Posted By: ironraven
...Shopping appeals to the soul of the hunter-gatherer.