1.Stay away from humans as much as possible. One word out of your mouth and they'd label you a foreigner at best and "possessed of the devil" at worst...result, death by fire, after some horrific torture that is.

2.Get real dirty as soon as possible. A coating of mud ought to do the trick. Make sure your clothes are almost unrecognizable. Your clothes would be cause enough to label you as "WYERD" and a "fraternizer with witches"...result, death by fire, after some horrific torture.

3. Pretend to be dumb and mute. Learn the language by listening only. Practice pronunciation in your lean-to that you've built in a forest. Get really good at begging for scraps, especially tomatoes, since they'll think they're poisonous. (Steal the rest if you can) Work on developing some tools. Now's when you wish you EDC'ed good stuff! If a noble doesn't like the way you look, he'll take your stuff, arrest you...result, death by fire, you know the rest.

4. After years of acclimatization, rescue some VIP with a Heimlich or CPR and say: "An angel came and told me to raise up this dead maid/noble". You will be labeled a hero and paraded around villages as an holy artifact. Lots of food will come this way.

My guess at your chances of survival...1%.

A little different than A Yankee in King Arthur's court!

When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.