I carry food in a nylon stuff sack in my pack. If you want to be anal, look out for crumbs, but I wouldn't stop eating on the move. Bears aren't like muggers.

I don't change cooking clothes, even in grizzly country. Perhaps if I was smoking meat or fish and standing in the smoke . . . other than that, no.

I don't wear deodorant while hiking. One shot with the mineral stone before I leave, then au naturel. It's not because of bears, though, I just prefer it that way. After I come back from a week in the woods, everyone in town smells like chemicals to me.

If the camps have bear boxes and you use them, you'll be fine. Bears are smart, and they quickly learn the futility of a good bear box. Worry about mice.

I don't bother with bear spray for black bears, either, or leave camp to pee.

The only trouble I know of with cars and bears is in Yosemite. They've learned to recognize coolers, so don't leave them in sight.

Basically, there is, every few years, an incident where a black bear comes into a camp and acts curious/predatory toward humans. No one knows why for certain, so experts try to suggest removing all possible stimuli, when in actuality it may be that the fact that there are a few sick and crazy animals in the same way that there are sick and crazy people in the world. You are much more likely to be struck by lightning on your trip, and many times more likely to be flattened by a semi on the drive to the trailhead.

Take precautions with your food in camp, and don't let irrational fears ruin your trip.