Joy, I have a grandaughter that's 10 a grandson thats 10 and a grandaughter thats just turned 6. We play the what if game all the time. They all love it. To often these days, kids are talked at and not to. They all know how to use a compass and we have scavenger hunts where they find clues using a compass. They have all their contact info on a laminated card in their backpacks. One of the things we do also is when we get to a camping place, we will sit down together and draw a map of the area and it goes in their backpacks. Kids are alot smarter than most people give them credit for. I've taught them all how to fish and they have their own fishing gear and it's not the barbie stuff, they have the same stuff that I do. They know how to put hooks on and take their own fish off. They each have their own tents and know how to put them up by themselves. They keep their stuff all together and know how to use everything in their backpacks. My son and daughter are also the prepared types too so I don't worry so much about them. Last winter my son in law got snowed in at work and he spent a couple of really miserable nights at work. When he got home , my daughter and I geared him up so that would never happen again. Now he makes sure he has his "I'm stranded" box in his car. He said it makes a world of difference. Just remember that kids aren't born with skills but they love learning, and the more you teach them, the less you worry. My grandkids would rather hang out with me than play video games or watch t.v.