I love my Gerber multipliers...I own several pair. One of the things I've never liked are the poor options for bit drivers.

For a while I thought that the Leathermans were better because they didn't require an adaptor to load the bits in...but when I saw a bit up close and looked into how few options there were for bits, I thought twice.

Looking around now, it seems that all the multipliers use somewhat proprietary bit systems...and this is an issue.

Recently I've decided that I'd like to have some extra bits for my multipliers but only bits which I need plus a few universal sizes. Unfortunately the bits I need are very specific to the other gadgets I sometimes carry and this means small Torx (like T-1 or T2) and similar rare bits.

Do any of you know if there is a multipliers out there which have bits available with unusual sizes available or a pliers which takes standard bits like the ones used with drills?

I'd be willing to upgrade and even move away from my Gerbers if I could make this one work. It could also breathe new life into the bit kit I bought years ago with over 100 bits including all the tamper-proof styles...very handy but not so easy to carry.