Originally Posted By: Russ
I find that to be a poor survival instinct. Do you find yourself so low on the self-worth scale that your existence is meaningless without your sisters?

I think that statement is a bit harsh... Look at the documented cases where, in long time married couples, where one dies, the other dies shortly afterwards. This isn't something to just be cast aside, it is a real struggle for people.

However, unless actually placed in a survival situation, you can't be sure how you will react.

The next obvious question would be: Jeanette, if in a non-survival situation, if your sisters got sick and passed away, what would you do? (Please, no harsh tones implied here at all...) I know that I was seriously hurt and affected by the death of my father when I was 17. It was, by no means, easy. Yet I pulled myself together to continue on.

It is all mindset, esp. in survival... Surviving applies to day to day life as well as many other posters have mentioned in the various threads. Surviving is living in this crazy world on a daily basis, be it buckling your seatbelt to help survive a crash, to washing your hands to help avoid spreading germs.

Edited by Mike_H (06/02/08 03:37 PM)
"I reject your reality and substitute my own..." - Adam Savage / Mythbusters