I've had two crank flashlights from WallyWorld that seem okay. I also have the Radio Shack copy of the Eton FR250. If I did it again, I would get the FR300 because I would prefer the NOAA frequencies over the international shortwave frequencies. Why they can't build both into a single radio is beyond me.

I'm actually about ready to purchase an Eton FR150 for use in a family 72-hour kit. See http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_CM%20R15 or http://www.etoncorp.com/product_card/?p_ProductDbId=353085 and you will see it seems to have the best of everything in a small package. The per crank battery life isn't as good as some of the others, but it is AM/FM/NOAA, 3 LED light, and cell phone charger (adaptable to other things) all in one for $30.

If someone has used it, I'd be interested in feedback on it.