Originally Posted By: Hacksaw

I guess I wasn't specific enough as many of you do seem to be referring to the stereotypical Ka Bar fighting knives. I'm specifically asking about the Ka-Bar 'Camp Knife'. Similar to the fighting knives in size and (synthetic)handle but with a Kuhkri-ish 8" recurve blade. I wanted to hyperlink it but the proxy here at work is scared of websites which feature 'weapons'.

In reviewing the thread I don't see much info about what the guy's "needs" really are. Whether the particular knife will serve as a survival knife is a question of degree. Those who have used and practiced survival using a knife have experience enough to know if this will do the job. Those who carry such a thing just in case won't have experience with which to decide.

If the guy "needs" to have a large fixed blade knife in the same way that I "needed" my very first large fixed blade knife when I was 11* then this one will serve just fine :-)

If he doesn't use it but goes camping or backpacking he may eventually decide it's too big. If he does use it he'll probably find some room for improvement and, like many of us, become a collector :-) All knives are defective in one of two ways. They are either too big or too small. That's why you need just one more to fit that niche where you just don't have anything that is just right.

*back when children weren't all psychotic axe murderers in the making and therefore needed to be denied knife ownership for the greater good of society.