
The kayak is great. I love how quiet it is, I was able to sneak up on all sorts of deer, beavers, snakes, etc... It's more comfortable than my canoe and a lot easier to hual around. It also has a suprising amount of storage space. I wish I had bought it ten years ago rather than the motorcycle.


I had encountered a lot of horseflies up in Minnesota, but never a thick swarm like this before. I really thought I had stirred up a nest of killer bees and I was in a mild panic when I ran into the river. Had I been thinking straight I would have ran for my mosquito netting instead. It would have been a much more comfortable night if I had.

Nature, you never know what she'll hit you with next...

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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