
Beware of the so called paracord knockoffs.

Like Comanche says there are many. Real paracord has no equal in utility and quality and its cost reflects that.
I remember in the military blowing through spools of the stuff and chucking it away like nothing. If only i had known it is a rarity in civi life and expensive, i would have procured a few spools before I retired.
Home depot "does not sell real paracord" at least where i live.
Check surplus stores and e-bay. Make sure it is 550 lb rated and has 7 single inner strands. You will know it when you see it.

Most people have never seen the stuff and thus call anything nylon paracord.
I picked up a 1200 ft spool on ebay for $37 which is the cheapest way to go. The best purchase I have made in years.

Duct tape and paracord it holds the world together.
