
Thank you for trusting us here at The Forum to help you in working out what your individual situation. Remember that DR's primary focus, as I see it ( I do not imply that I speak for him), came from his experience as a private pilot. We here in The Forum just take off in all directions when a topic is brought up. Great ideas and information result from these widely scattered discussions. However, you are correct in viewing the overarching principle of preparedness as an "any environment/location" issue. We look forward to hearing more from you and helping you how ever we can.

Just for giggles, take a look at my EDC in the Photo Gallery. I used what I currently owned (minus the tube) and made it up. Is it for everyone? Nope. Does it work for now? Yup. Will cause someone else to think differently about how to package and carry their EDC? Hopefully.

Edited by MoBOB (05/26/08 03:49 PM)
Edit Reason: Added paragraph
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor