I've read more than one favorable review of the Kel-Tec. And its on my list for BOB weapons ...should I be able to find one at the same time I have $$$ to buy it.
I am philsophically opposed to putting $1000 weapons in a BOB. Too much money tied up. At the same time ... you want a quality tool if its the only one you bring. And a Kel-Tec is the most portable & compact magazine fed option for the cost...IMHO.
Though maybe a pistol caliber equivalent is out there.
I was hoping to bug out without needing a trailer to haul my stuff ... yet no leave too many expensive supplies and weapons to be ranscked from my home in my absence.
I still haven't rationalized it all in my mind.
I may get a folding stock for an SKS Carbine and call it good enough. Though the Kel-tec still folds down smaller. And is probably lighter.
Once the need/desire for rifle type fire power is determined ...sacrifices in portability etc are gonna happen.
Bottom line ... I think the Kel-tec would be durable enough to ge the job done.