If your planning to use it in an emergency you will need to have it well established ahead of time. While established plants can grow astonishingly fast, you can almost see it grow, it can take many months for the plant to show visible growth.

Also consider that you may want to plant several different varieties. Ones that are optimized for your intended purposes. Some varieties are a fairly good source of food. Others are best where you want long thin stalks like for screens, several others grow large, straight and strong enough for real structural uses. Others are best for fiber to make cordage and at least one grows wide with widely spaced watertight cauls so it produces nice containers. There is a certain amount of overlap but your going to get the easiest and best results using the type that has been bred for your particular job.

Bamboo would make a good planting for a remote cabin. Many types are pretty much self-tending. Invasive types may require underground barriers if it isn't to take over the entire area. Dense-stand types make good barriers and once well established the stands can slow anyone down a lot and are pretty much impossible to move through without making a lot of noise.

Most people don't know much about bamboo. Which means you may be able to have large stands of a valuable resource standing in plain sight without much worry about anyone taking it.