Originally Posted By: clearwater
Originally Posted By: Leigh_Ratcliffe

Tube tents and plastic biviy bags make excellent body bags. Perfect for wrapping the hypothermia victims mortal remains in.
Cut the tube tent in half length ways. That will give you two decent sized plastic sheets. Use them to waterproof a A-Frame shelter.
Using them in the classical fashion is a tactic of desperation.

A waterproof bivybag or garbage bag can make all the difference for someone already soaking wet.

We found a lost snowboarder who had been hiking in a stream (the
snow was too deep to wallow through) on his attempt to walk out.
Soaked throughout and dressed in layers of cotton clothes, the
temperature was -17 F. Shivering violently, as soon as he
was tucked in an impermiable bivy, he warmed up and stopped
shivering, until a few hours later a tent, sleeping bag and
hot pizza could be dropped by helicopter. When he got out of
the bivy, there was a good 6 inches of water in the bottom.

An a frame will not prevent the loss of heat due to evaporation
and convection like the same material close around the body.

If you are already dry, then an A frame will allow ventilation
which will reduce condensation from your own body moisture.

Operative term here is "already soaking wet". By rights that moron should be dead. Violent shivering etc. He is at best minutes away from collapse, coma, death. Improperly dressed and no snow shoes. Magic.

A bivvy bags function is to provide a barrier against wind and rain. I carry one but it is a Rab Survival Zone Pertex bag. I also carry a poncho as well.

In the case above it worked, but i would be interested in other views as to when it will/won't work.
I don't do dumb & helpless.