Originally Posted By: Nemo
As a head's up to others just getting started into food storage, I have just found a relatively new web site for learning the basics of preparedness relating to water, food and tool use: Simply living smart

The usual caveat applies (I have no affiliation with this organization).

After perusing the site this weekend I have found it to be very helpful and approachable. The instructional videos are amateurish, but that just lends to the honesty of their project. From what I've gathered the couple that started the site seem to be just getting into the field/business, having recently moved to Idaho and launching this web site in the Summer/Fall of 2007. To fill in the gaps of their expertise in some areas it seems they have partnered with individuals who have greater experience and solicit seminars from emergency management officials on topics of emergency preparedness.

Anyway, I thought ya'all might want be interested in this site relating to the topic at hand. I've been learning a lot from this site in complement to what I have learned from ETS. Indeed, many subject areas overlap. The site registration, print articles, and instructional videos are all free. It looks like they do run a "webshop" containing some of the products they describe in the instructional videos but I think the website is primarily supported by Food Cannery sponsors at the bottom center of the page.

I'm curious to hear what others at this forum think of this new site. Interestingly it appears to me that "Home Food Storage" is becoming more mainstream. Still not to the level it was for our grandparents, but examples of news stories like the one in this thread and the start of websites like simplylivingsmart.com show the recognition of some of the general public to the benefits of preparedness. I wonder if we are on the way to an awareness "tipping point" of some kind. wink


Hey again Nemo.

I HATE that they make you register to read their information.. if they are a business and selling me something they shuold let me read free and then decide to buy or not. Forcing me to register is pointless for them and me (unless they are tracking users to spam them).
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