Originally Posted By: wildman800

1) Do you believe that there may be in your lifetime a World War III involving nuclear weapons? Yes or No,,,,if No, skip the rest of the questions.

2) How strongly do you believe? Unlikely, maybe, probably, or certain.

3) How soon do you think it will occur such as: within the next year; within 2 years; 5 years or longer; 20-50years

4) Do you think North America will be hit? No; Possibly; Probably; Definitely.

5) Do you think that there is anything that you could do to survive in the event that our homeland is a target and if so, have you personally made any preparations? Yes; No

Tomorrow night I'll tell you who is trying to get this info from the general public. Like I said at the beginning, no answers gotten here can be added to the actual survey results because of the nature of this website, to begin with.

#1 ... there may be in your lifetime a World War III involving nuclear weapons? "[M]ay" be suggests possibility not probability. It is pretty hard, maybe impossible, to overestimate how high humanity can reach. And, unfortunately, how low we can stoop.

It is highly improbable that a full "World War III" scale event will happen. But it is not impossible.

2# I feel it is highly probable that my estimation is accurate.

3# The five to ten year range seems the most dangerous based on public information I have seen. The rhetoric, on the other hand, has a habit of declaring it is the time to panic every few months. Largely independent of the facts.

4# The USA is an obvious target. lots of people ignore any other. Perhaps because 'other places don't count' and partly because projecting ourselves as the main enemy of evil makes us feel good about ourselves.

I will point out that historically nations and groups quite often find they have something in common with their enemies. And offer viciousness and contempt for people and groups they feel are traitors or splitters.

Everyone understands that Christians kill Muslims. Muslims kill Christians. But historically more Christians have been killed by Christians, and Muslims by Muslims, than across the religious divide. Internecine battles are often vicious bloodbaths of extermination without quarter given or asked for.

The only nation that gets more badmouthing from UBL than the USA is Saudi Arabia. Heretics who have turned away from the true faith get more venom than our heathen souls. We could still be the main target but it is hard to underestimate how much hate there is between people much closer to the likely sources.

5# Yes, there is. The biggest thing is that you can stay away from likely targets. I was considering moving to a major city that would be an attractive target but decided against it.In part because of the risk of attack and the problems with being in a highly concentrated population center during and after a natural or man made disaster.

Sounds like a GOP think tank and/or attack nonprofit is looking into the possibility of ginning up the paranoia vote to try to help get McSame into office. They don't want to hear from the survivalists because they know that they already have the majority of those nuts.

Could be Dems looking into how open their flank is to such an attack.

Either way this sort of thing usually has everything to do with attack politics.