Originally Posted By: wildman800
I am a team leader of the state of Louisiana for a non-profit group that is currently taking a survey. Known "preparationists/survivalists" are not authorized to be a part of this survey,,,,but "I" am extremely curious as to what answers I would get from everybody here.

This is what I wish to know:
your age; level of education, what state you live in;

1) Do you believe that there may be in your lifetime a World War III involving nuclear weapons? Yes or No,,,,if No, skip the rest of the questions.

2) How strongly do you believe? Unlikely, maybe, probably, or certain.

3) How soon do you think it will occur such as: within the next year; within 2 years; 5 years or longer; 20-50years

4) Do you think North America will be hit? No; Possibly; Probably; Definitely.

5) Do you think that there is anything that you could do to survive in the event that our homeland is a target and if so, have you personally made any preparations? Yes; No

Tomorrow night I'll tell you who is trying to get this info from the general public. Like I said at the beginning, no answers gotten here can be added to the actual survey results because of the nature of this website, to begin with.

Age 48; 5 years post-secondary; don't live in a "State".
1. Will nuclear weapons be used in my lifetime - yes, and almost assuredly first by the US, in response to a perceived or potential threat.
2. Confident.
3. 10-20 years
4. North America? NO or possibly, maybe by a dirty bomb.
5. ALWAYS something you can do unless you are at ground zero. Fighting panic and paranoia will be the worst thing most people will have to put up with. Some will experience theft/looting/vandalism. Very few will be in combat. Preparing by not believing in the hype NOW. I'm a pretty stable non-emotional person and NOT a preparationalist/survivalist. But then again the definition of such a person could vary wildly.