Originally Posted By: weldon
I'm going to go out on a limb here... and probably get a lot of people upset with me, but I don't see paying for someone to come and look for you as such a bad thing. I'm not saying this trolling or anything like that. I know accidents happen but it takes resources to rescue people. Why should taxpayers foot the entiere bill. Especially if there is negligence involved on the individuals part.

I have been part of several S&R operations, 3 people I've been out in a group with, 1 person I was in the vicinity and have spent time looking for people on 2 different occasions. On all 6 of those occasions some negligence contributed to the injury of the individual or in the individual getting lost. Perhaps if there was a monetary incentive people would be a little more prepared and careful when out and playing around.

So we only send SAR out for those that can afford it? Or do we charge every one foe the SAR teams that search for people? What happens if the person lost dosen't have the resources to pay for a SAR team does he/she just get left where they are?

My main problem with this is no one has been charged before why is she being charged. There was a larger search put on for Fossett than for any ole Joe Blow the Ragman off the street. If she requested searches and/or teams above the ordinary then yes she should cover those cost but not the entire search.
Depend on yourself, help those who are not able, and teach those that are.