During the day I can keep scrambling. I am occupied with this and that trying to keep working to have some cash flow - been going okay.

Nights have been tougher. Me, the cat, a folding table covered with bills - some getting paid, some not.

Most of the time I embrace the situation. I can even find humor comparing my sometimes gross and today's net; what magic trick did I do to disappear that money?

Of course I know what went where pretty much to the penny.

I am getting better at dealing with creditors. I am a creditor, too, and not getting people to pay me does not make my day.

But what I am posting about today is how to deal with shame, because shame has proved a tough opponent.

Everyday I forgive my past self because I know he did the best he could, but I am having to forgive myself often. Keeping my head up to look the situation square in the eye is taking energy.



Edited by dweste (04/29/08 11:14 PM)