>>>The focus of the Homeland security web-site is on how to prepare for a terrorist attack.<<<

Without getting too political ...

I thought FEMA was to be part of the homeland security organization. The true danger of creating another layer of "red tape" is the loss of focus and efficiency. What should have been done was to leverage what FEMA has done and perhaps augment it in light of new threates. Instead, they re-invent the wheel and create an official anti-terrorism kit. In reality, a standard home emergency preparedness kit is far more practical and more likely to be of use to the vast majority of people. If they had simply pointed folks to the FEMA information they could have save dollars, avoided the duct tape/plastic farce, and perhaps even saved lives if folks assembled kits for more common natural disasters.

As Doug and others have pointed out, the kits and tools are useless unless there's a brain with knowledge and experience available to use them. Splitting the message up and confussing the populace is not only a waste, but may actually work in the terrorist's favor as people are ill or missinformed.
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL