Lono offered some very good suggestions, namely getting your hands on the BSA Handbook as well as the Scoutmasters Handbook. I would add that there is a "Wilderness Survival" merit badge (and a corresponding booklet to accompany it) that would be very helpful for you to review.

Some great ideas folks. Thank you

I simply don't have the time to become more involved. I would like to be a Scout leader someday, but with my schedule it may not be any time soon. I am totally in the dark when it comes to badges and qualification requirements and the like. I think the guys wanted me to do stuff not related to badges and stuff, simply because the other scout leaders have little experience in some areas that I do. None of them are hunters for example, and I think they want me to go a little bit "outside the box" on this one, just to teach some stuff that the kids wouldn’t normally see.

Problem is, I don't know what's "inside the box" with this one.

I like your list Jim, Its a place to start. I need to sit down with the other chaps and get a bit more clarification on exactly what they want me to cover.

I will have to get my hands on a handbook as well.