Originally Posted By: Fabio

What combination of long and short gun do you think is the more adequate for my situation?


For the long gun, I would choose the 12 gauge pump shotgun.

Since it appears that you don't currently own any firearms, I have to assume that your experience and training is limited, if at all. A 12 gauge shotgun will offer the best measure of home defense with the least requirement for training. The .22 is essentially worthless for home defense, while the Winchester would over penetrate the structure.

The 12 gauge also offers the most options for ammunition, including 2 3/4" "bird shot" for your snake problem, all the way up to 3 1/2" "buck shot" or slugs for home defense.

Perhaps one of the best features of a pump shotgun is the unmistakable sound that it makes when a round is chambered. More than likely anyone hearing this would immediately exit your home without you having to fire the weapon, and consequently deal with all the legal and civil ramifications that would ensue should you ultimately need to take someone's life.

For the hand gun, I would choose the semi automatic chambered in .380 ACP (essentially a 9mm shorty). This round is probably the bare minimum for personal defense, yet is still something your wife could easily handle with some practice. The semi automatic will offer you significantly more capacity, although will be more likely to misfeed or jam than a revolver, so you should practice clearance drills from time to time.

My EDC and FAK