Stockton CA is the foreclosure capital of the country. Last stats were 1 of 19 homes in foreclosure and 2 or 3 more of 19 in default. That was a month or two back and its supposedly gotten a bit worse.

My clients / customers are losing jobs, businesses are closing, and collecting for my work is a problem. I have let all my staff go and closed my office to work out of my home. I have not renewed a subscription in a year. Utility use is minmized. I do not eat at restaurants much anymore.

Looks like that may not be enough. There are some bills I have left unopened for a while.

So, I have walked around and said goodbye to all my stuff. Except for the cat and some family momentos I try not to let my stuff own me.

Still a challenge to deal with negative feelings.

I own this problem and will survive however it comes out. I am not asking for financial advice. What I would welcome is some thoughts on positive attitude adjustment.
