Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
So I would suggest that you do all of your practicing on your hands and knees, crawling as low and fast as you can go. Then have the entire family practice crawling in line, possibly with a hand on the ankle of the person in front. You, of course, will be leading the pack...

Right, but dont tell your luchmates otherwise you'll hear words other than "nuts".

The logic I use most of the time to ignore the PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. is that they will NOT be around to help me in case I find myself in a problem. So why bother with what they think and say ?? Just dont tell them everything you do.

And BTW, not telling them is the right thing anyway, because in case of SHTF, there will be a big crowd of people at your door step thinking (Taurus must have a full pantry and lots of preparedness stuff).

Do I do it?
No, because my lifetime-luchmate (wife) will call her brother weeping and tell him I have finally broken to pieces.

Edited by Chisel (04/11/08 03:02 AM)