Originally Posted By: Taurus
Dont worry, you will soon enough grin

My PAL hasn't come yet but it shouldn't be too much longer!

Originally Posted By: Taurus

I guess crawling out the door on hands and knees in a blinfold may raise concerns if you live in an apartment or condo. You could always make a rope ladder and practice rappeling off the side of the building as a fire escape(depending on what floor you are on) If you do let me know, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun.

If a neighbor caught a whiff of me walking around blindfolded with some kind of weapon in hand, I'd likely be getting a call from the condo board about it.

Rapelling off the balcony is something I've thought of too. To get out of my building I have to cross two catwalks to get to the fire escape and one to get to the elevator...if the fire is in the right place those won't last long. My balcony faces the front street and there's lots of sidewalk/court yard under my 3rd floor balcony. Maybe it's time to invest in a rope? wink