Heaven help the poor sod who happens to try breaking into my house at night whilst I might be sitting behind the rhodoendron or fern bush, with sword in one hand, Glock in the other, and a headlight shining in their surprised face.

ROFLMAO. Benjammin my good man, this post made my morning. After my TAV , the bas***ds put me behind a desk to give me a break (I hate it sooooooooo bad) So I end up here on the forum when I should be working. I have to do something as I am itching like crazy to get back with a field section. As I sit here reading your post and laughing out loud like a madman I cannot tell you how cool it is to know I am not the only one out there who does this kind of stuff. If I am crazy for hiding out side my house with NVGs and a shotgun, then I guess I will have company in the nut house from some of the other folks here.

I tried the whole hold the ankle and escape thing with my family last night(at the suggestion of people on the forum) I was hard to convince the wife to take part as she is laid up with a broken foot but she decided to humour me. The kid had a blast as it appeared as a game to her.

For those of you who haven't tried this you should. Holy crap, It is a challenge alone and standing/creeping but crawling with wife and kid together is a real challenge.(well worth it) The biggest problem is negotiating stairs in this manner, but we made it in under 2 min(and that included me going to the kids room, and then attaching her to the chain and then from there going back through the house to the farthest door) I wanted to go the farthest distance for practice but in a real situ I would be going for the nearest exit. In a real situ there would also be the fact that the kid would be in a state of panic as well, another thing to consider. My dog was very amused at the sight of us all blindfolded and crawling through the house (must have looked odd) But the dogs interference brought up another problem in my mind.

If ever there is a fire I don't think I would be able to leave the pets behind. I would hope they would have the sense to follow us or at least make a good run for it on their own. Maybe I will get one of those dog whistles just in case.......