Hi all. I have a question I hope you can all offer some advice on

Part of my on duty EDC is my Sure-fire E2e flashlight. It has served me well except once a few weeks ago when it failed at the most inopportune time(the bulb burned out) Fortunately I always have my pelican M1 as a backup. All my other lights for hunting, emergency use etc are LED with the exception of my sure-fire M3 combat light which is part of my home defence equation and is not required in LED as the xenon bulbs are way brighter. I bought the E2e when it first came out and there weren't many good LED options out there at the time for a reasonable price.

The curent army issue EDC flashlight is the mini-mag (which I hate in the worst way) so I just dropped money on something better.

I know the sure-fire is an excellent light and s**t happens so I am not upset that a bulb burned out(even though it was at a very bad time) however, I want to upgrade my on duty EDC flashlight to LED capability. For my use I need a higher lumen output than most people would need, longer battery life and the ability to add a red filter or even a red LED option for tactical use. Although I always have my pelican as a backup(also with a red lens) I don’t ever want to be caught with my pants down again. The pelican is very reliable, but doesn't put out very much light so it is not much use to me as a primary light at work. Especially for room clearances,vehicle searches etc

I was looking at buying the kl4 LED conversion head for my E2e, http://www.opticsplanet.net but for 130 bucks I can probably get a whole new flashlight that meets my requirements for a lot less. I need at least 65 lumen output but 100 would be better. It needs to be tough enough for military use and must fit in a nite-ize holder. I also need the removable red filter capability. The E2e with the KL4 meets these requirements, but…. My questions are:

Anyone have a KL-4? Is it worth the money?

I don’t mind spending money on good gear, especially a good light but I despise wasting money so I figured there would be no harm in hearing what others have to say first. If it is worth the money great, but there are some good LED lights out there now and the prices are lower than they were when I first bought the E2e. Since I already paid a few bucks for it I figured an upgrade would be the best way to go.

Thanks folks