>>Obviously, there’s an excellent chance than no one will survive a commercial plane crash… don’t know what the actual odds are, perhaps someone here does.. <<<br><br>It's a good question. Why plan for the aftermath of something you can't live through? A plane crash makes good news because it is so catastrophic and seems like something that couldn't possibly be survived. <br><br>I don't know what the actual stats are, but I think that they are relatively survivable. I always take note of the number of deaths and number of survivors whenever I hear about a crash. Often there are numerous survivors. <br><br>The 747 that blew up over the Atlantic Ocean near Long Island and the ValueJet that caught fire and went straight down into the everglades are two examples of everyone on board being killed. Also the Concorde accident. <br><br>However you often hear about a hundred or so deaths and just as many survivors. Remember the hijacked plane that ran out of fuel and ditched into the ocean near a resort beach? There were many survivors. Based on my informal observations, I think that with a little luck, you stand a decent chance of surviving a plane crash and it would be worth planning for.<br><br>Another way of looking at it is that you will either be dead or you will be alive. There's no point in preparing to be dead, so you might as well prepare to be alive.<br><br>