It's sooner than I expected, but compression-only (or what AHA calls "hands-only") CPR is officially recommended by the American Heart Association. Not in every single instance, but it's the standard recommendation for cases where an adult suddenly collapses. Anyway, more info can be found here.

The more medically-inclined can read the journal article in Circulation announcing the change here .

Now we just need cell phone-sized AED's. Or even better, a cell phone that can double as an AED.

Edit: By the way, this is an old thread about the last time the CPR guidelines were changed significantly. Just reading it over again, it was an interesting thread. Anyway, the last change was at the end of 2005, so changing them again so soon means they thought the results of recent research shows that the benefits of compression-only CPR for lay people is signficant enough change to implement it sooner rather than later.

Edited by Arney (03/31/08 11:42 PM)