I think this ( EDC options) needs a separate thread. Is it best to have a "combo" gadget or an arsenal of different gadgets.

One day we were on a field (business) trip and had to take pictures. Camera was not with us and had to depend on the Nokia N-73 camera. Not bad for the job but battery went dead after 30 pictures. We still had to go to meetings ..etc. and there was no chance to charge the cell phone.

My old and faithful Nokia "Caveman" ( heh heh heh ) is always in the glove compartment ready for service. So I used it for the rest of the day; and only had chance to charge the primary cell phone at home at night.

My son follows a different strategy. He has one cell phone with camera, but has two spare batteries always nearby.

Its interesing to read everyone's EDC startegies. But as I said, it seems to need a seperate thread.