Today, I had to deal with a rooster that turned way aggressive on my kid, and as an experiment, I wondered if a fairly basic Swiss Army Knife was sufficient for a start to finish butchering job. It is - just barely. But if you keep the blade REALLY sharp and if you have the very handy scissors, it's totally do-able. The only thing I'd say was really hard was getting the darn head off after it bled out. Getting the feet off wasn't hard at all, and the rest was almost trivial. I did use the big pot 'o water to de-feather and all that, if it was a real survival situation, I'd have just skinned it and not bothered with the whole feathering, but he had enough meat to be a small meal. Anyway, it's good to use tools you think you might need one day in a way you think you might actually use them.