benjammin, who would have thought our water situation would continue to decelerate like this. Growing up in Fla, we use to drink out of the springs many years while growing up without boiling water or anything. Then as I went from skin diving to cave diving, I began to get ear infections from the higher nitrite levels from agriculture farming. Then the levels kept accelerating year after year and as the water temps begin to rise due to longer summers (global warming or what have you) we began to have the killer amoebas that was killing off the kids. Then more and more pesticides and petroleum entered our aquifer due to over development has made water even more difficult and now the latest threat has been medications, drugs and and other traces have been noted in the PPB (Parts per Billion) range. This is how the nitrides started in the early 90's when we first ran into it. It started in PPB then PPM and now............

Along time ago I boiled my water, then distilled it, then I had to use a carbon filter and distilled and UV'ed it. Now with medicine in it, I'm trying to figure how to solve that equation. I have a Pur 35 and a still to convert sea water to fresh but now our coast has increasing petroleum products in the water as well as feces from the cruse ships providing I don't get bit by a shark wading in ankle deep water.

Any ideas?
Any solutions?
We are at the next level and it's cranked up a notch.

Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985