Basically you are carrying fancy matches and some tinder. Matches should not be a problem. The tinder should not be a problem in most cases. I have found that if you have a piece of carry on and you pack your survival kit inside your carry on, that most things go through with no problems.<br><br>As mentioned earlier, you have about $10 worth of supplies. If it is confiscated, pick up some additional supplies at the other end of the flight.<br><br>You could also carry alternate tinder material that may be less obvious to the security types. Dryer lint, 0000 steel wool, char cloth, cottom balls, magneisum blocks, etc.<br><br>I carry a Leatherman, matches, MFS, and other similar supplies in a fanny pack and throw the fanny pack in a day pack when traveling on airlines. Throw the day pack on the X-ray belt and no questions.<br><br>Empty coleman stoves make sense to me. Even though the fuel tank is "empty", there may still be lingering fumes that could ignite. Fires on planes are not much fun.<br><br>