Blast, I hear you about the water, were in the same ocean to speak here in FL. I have tons of back ups to water including taking pesticides,salt,etc.. out of the water and just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water (After the killer Amoeba) we now have medicine and other little goodies. Any ideas how to filter these little goodies out. I know carbon loves pesticides and petroleum and salt loves iron but what about amoxicillin or viagra in the water? Any ideas on this one?

Prescription Drugs in Drinking Water...
Studies have shown that pharmaceuticals are present in some of our nation's water bodies. Further research suggests that there may be some ecological harm when certain drugs are present. To date, no evidence has been found of human health effects from pharmaceutical and personal care products in the environment. This includes drinking water sources.
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985