Good points. I went with a vest because I like having certain items handy and hated taking my SAR pack off each time I needed something. I have a number of teammates, sign cutters, who like using fly fishing vests.

Originally Posted By: Nomad
I love vests. Yes, they look weird, but as I near 70, I just don't care what others think about the way I dress. Over the years I have used many, and my choice seems to change with my activities.

When I was doing SAR in Maine, the vest was pretty tactical. Just what I needed to get the job done. Now that I am just an old duffer wandering around the back country, my vest is simpler.

Still, I love being able to get to an item without setting a pack down and rummaging through it. I just open the appropriate pocket and grab. Also I find I am MUCH less likely to drop an item. Too easy for something to work its way out of the pack when I am looking for something else.

I don't wear it into Wal-Mart or other such places, but not because of the look. It is just a bit heavy and I take it off as soon as I get back to the vehicle.

My advice is to get what works for you and don't worry about how it looks. The motto of the design world is "Form Follows Function."

Wilderness Search and Rescue . . . .