All my scanners are the non-trunking kind, I keep telling myself I need a trunking scanner but have not bought one yet. I’m going to the Dayton Hamfest in a few months (The biggest electronics flee market in the world) I’m going to look there for one to play with.

If any of you are interested in anything electronic the Dayton Hamfest is the place to go. People from every country on the planet go to this event every year. Almost every major radio and electronic company comes to this hamfest. There are hundreds of inside vendors (mostly the new electronic items) and thousands of outside vendors in the flee market area (it’s a very big area, almost impossible to see it all in any depth in one day)

I go to it almost every year; the saying is that if you can’t find it at Dayton, it’s probably not made. Two years ago a guy has an actual German WWII Enigma machine there, I never asked what it cost, had to be a lot. The flee market area is an interesting place to roam around; I always come home with a lot of new toys to play with from this event.

This year it’s on May 16, 17, & 18, 2008

Here is the web address for it.


You can run, but you'll only die tired.