I feel like most everybody else does about Bugging In vs. Bugging Out! Bugging In is safer and a better initial option, usually.

I feel like some basics might could use reviewing on the Bugging Out Option:

All equipment should be packed (Bug Out Bags) or easy to find, grab, and throw into the vehicles.

Transportation: Primary-gas or diesel powered vehicle; Secondary-bicycles; Tertiary-Hiking out.

Each person has a BoB and basic camping type of gear, a personal FAK, a piece or two of community gear, and weapons(?).

Cargo in the vehicles would need to include: water, food, shelter, hand tools, reference materials (How To books, etc); Power generation type gear, electrical consuming equipment, bicycles, etc.

Several routes should be planned to a known destination within a reasonable distance to insure success. If more than one destination is available, then 2-3 routes to each should be planned.

I know this is not a complete list but I'm too lazy to pull out my written plans and that would be "cheating" in some ways. What have I overlooked and what do y'all have ready to go quickly, as in the event of a nearby upwind Industrial Accident??
The best luck is what you make yourself!