Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
When i got my new phone (Sony Ericsson K500i) it came with a function that lets you fill out a form that allows you to put in your I.C.E. contacts. It's a fairly obvious little button on the side shaped like a Heart that if you press it all the I.C.E. info pulls up.

You know what that button on the side does, so yes it’s obvious to you. But let the phone get old and have the lettering ware off (like it has on every phone I’ve had) and it’s not going to be so obvious to someone not use to, or knows your phone.Yea it may be shaped like a heart, but before I read your post I would not have thought that’s what it was for. There is just too many models of phones made.

Also It does seem unlikely that the emergency persons would do anything with your cell phone. They are dealing with an emergency and would let the hospital deal with it. They fix you up get you to the hospital and them move on to the next life to save, no time to play with phones.

They would probably look for your wallet, better to print a contact card and carry it in your wallet (laminated to protect it) for them to use.

My younger brother is a first aid captain on the local volunteer fire department and a county sheriff (although he mostly works down in the jail on the sheriff job, they don't let him out much) I will ask him what they do on the fire department and post what he says.


You can run, but you'll only die tired.