Heh - OK; here are some additional bits:

1. I line the pail with several plastic kitchen bags. Easy to remove 1 (or 2) with contents. Additional bags go in the green box.

2. "Green box" - Buckets can be tippy to some folks. I made a plywood box with hinged lid. The inside bottom is routed (easier to use 3 - 4 cleats) for the bucket to position it exactly. Inside height is such that the hinged lid is almost a crush fit on the bucket lip. The lid has a cut out (smooth edges) the same shape as the attached toilet seat (with lid), but a little larger, and smoothly radiused edges. Mentally draw a square with a circle inside it - notice the voids in the corners? Supplies go there - bagged up spare TP, additional garbage bags, sanitizer (bleach), nitrile gloves, etc. Box was primed with oil-based primer and painted with exterior gloss acrylic enamel for durability, ease of sanitizing, and aesthetics (I like green; brown may be more appropriate thematically <grin>). This box has served very well in many different settings...

3. One improvement I would make today is to use an approved privy-type seat and lid. These close up so as to prevent airborne insects from becoming vectors and arguably may reduce odors.

4. For base camps (which could apply to LTS-in-place), we have occasionally used a "bottomless bucket" - sort of a low impact modern version of a slit trench. Completely remove the bottom of a 5 - 6 gallon plastic bucket - sand or rasp to leave no lip on the bottom. Toilet seat optional (or not - YMMV). To set up, dig a shallow hole a little smaller in diameter than the bucket or about the same. Reserve the spoil. Place bucket over the hole. When the hole is "used" enough, remove the bucket and backfill hole with the reserved spoil, then relocate the bucket to another hole and so on. With thought and a minimal amount of effort this can be pretty low impact environmentally. It's inevitable that stuff spatters on the inside of the pail, so there will be an occasional clean-up required in long-term use.

5. I probably don't need to mention this, but - no pointers; setters only. All boys and some men need to have that reinforced. Tell the guys to either water a bush or sit for ALL business. With boys, it's easier to get them to pee outside. It can really irritate folks to discover yellow water sprinkled on and around the green box...

Bombs Away.
