Being a resident of NYC, for at least the time being, with property in the suburbs, one of my thoughts with regard to being prepared for a serious disaster would be to have food cached. As the surburban house is about to get torn apart, it is not a place I can readily store thigns and expect them to be there when I need them. Carrying all the food I might need for more than a few days is simply not an option. I can and have enough in our apt. that I think we could eat for a month. But if I need to grab the BOB and bug out, a few days of meals will be in it and not much more. Having something hidden or cached and being able to access it, might be a life saver.

My thoughts right now are to use some food grade buckets, with some grains and legumes (converted white rice and beans) as staples, supplemented by some freeze-dried veggies and maybe some other things. I think one five gallon bucket could end up supplying enough to feed me for a while, and then I will be sick of whatever I've cached. If I put 2 gallons each of beans and rice into a cache, that would provide about 40,000 calories, approx. 20,000 each, according to my calculations. That could feed a couple people for a while.

Just looking for some thoughts on caching food for if and when something happens. Is burying a five gallon buckt with rice and beans a good or the right solution? What else would you put in or add to a cache?