Hmm, I reckon some places it ain't easy being christian either.

Back when I was in the Navy, I recall some pretty harsh times abroad. I wonder if I can sue them because they didn't tell me life could be tough away from home???

I bet there's some kids in Compton California that wouldn't be anymore traumatized by such treatment than they already have been. Then again, they didn't have a choice in the matter, so I suppose that makes it different.

Not that I'm saying the exchange program isn't at fault, but the boy survived, and maybe learned a thing or two about how the rest of the world really works. Might be some value in that.

Then again, if it were my kids, I reckon I'd be on the next flight to Cairo looking for some payback.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)