Hmm, the place I have in mind doesn't flood, has minimal tectonic potential, is not in any fallout path from eruptions, nuclear/chemical/biological attacks, or industrial accidents, is not prone to wildfire, has moderately low precipitation, a decent water table, moderately arable land, averages one or two thunderstorms a year, decent wildlife population, is in a migratory waterowl flyway, several surface waterways, enough regular wind to make windpower practical year round, relatively inexpensive land, relatively low population density, and fairly easy access. It's only drawback would be it is at least an hour drive to the nearest hospital or other major service.

Oh yeah, and I wish I was there now.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)