Actually, zombies go back in history much further than the film industry. It was an alleged voodoo belief that people could, under the right circumstances, be brought back from the dead, not really alive, but reanimated and feeble-minded. That belief goes back at least a couple centuries AFIK.

That's what I like about Chlor-Tri Flor. It reduces organic matter to such base molecular components so quickly, infection would be impossible. Whatever it contacts is elementally reduced.

Zombies are the penultimate survival scenario. Short of having the planet blown out from under us, if you can theoretically survive a perpetual zombie attack, you should be in a good position to survive just about anything else short of cataclysm.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)