I just don’t see any weather predictions that seem to come true (more then a week out.) this. I’m sure the weather is going to change; it has for the last 4.5 Billion years this planet has been around, and is going to continue to change. Some places it’s going to be better, some places it’s going to be bad.

The focus always seems to be on the extreme and bad weather. The media is so starved for news that is based on doom & gloom they jump on any story (including weather ones) that pushes this gloom. Maybe it’s all of us that focus on the bad, negative things in life, after all the media is only reporting what people are willing to watch. I try to not have such a negative view about things and don’t buy into the idea that we (man) are the destroyer of this planet. Any time there is a weather story in the news it’s always about how bad it is, and that we are in trouble, never anything nice or positive to say. And most times the weather is good or at least not bad, yes its rains in the spring and it snows in the winter, and there are hurricanes during hurricane season, but is this really news to anyone? I guess if you dwell on the negative and bad things you will always have news to keep your interest. Sadly most people buy into this negative reporting way too much.

Every prediction for global warming is about doom & gloom, how it’s going to destroy the planet and our way of life. What if it does get a little warmer? Growing seasons will be longer, more food can be grown and sent to Africa or turned into fuel (a bad idea by the way.) It doesn’t always mean a weather change is going to be bad. When the Vikings landed on Greenland in about 960 AD the bottom ¼ of Greenland was in fact green, now it’s all snow. If that happened today the media would be going nuts saying we were going to die. It didn’t happen then (people lived through it) and it will not happen now if it were to get a bit warmer.

As a person that likes to be prepared, we should plan for storms and weather swings, but don’t buy into the idea that it’s only going to be bad for mankind.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.