Originally Posted By: benjammin
Hiding only means they will go to greater lengths to find it. If an agency like this suspects you have something, usually either by informants or by casing your mo over time, they will come in and tear the place up until they find what they are looking for. It's not much different than when someone like the DEA or ATF decide a residence has contraband on it, whether they have real proof or not, it is their level of certainty, also known as reasonable suspicion, that gets them in the door with the metal detectors and the ground penetrating radar and the sniffer hounds and they will tear up everything, inlcuding the back yard and the walls of your house, until they either find what they are looking for or by process of elimination determine it simply isn't there. Oh and once they are done demolishing your house, they might apologize, pack up, and leave. Good luck making a claim for damages then. You are not likely to receive any remuneration whatsoever.

Why would the emergency services bother with that, during a crisis? Getting trucks loads of food, equipment, etc. from other places in the country is by far more efficient in personnel, cheaper, doesn't acquire legal issues, no issues with compensating the owner and you get what you ordered. During crisis the emergency services want to do things as efficient and as easily as possible.
