I try not to call 911, my dad was a fireman & first aid captain, for 41-years, he drummed into my head the local phone numbers to the police dispatchers in the area. I have them programmed into my cell phone. You can cut off 5-min response time by going to them instead of calling 911. I live in a suburb of Toledo, last summer I was fishing on the shore east of Toledo, (Maumee Bay State Park) there was a 7 or 8 year old girl that fell and got what looked like a broken ankle. They called 911, and got the 911 operator for Detroit Mi (60-milles north of Toledo, across the lake.) it was ½ hr before the life squad came. It was a long time for a scared, in pain kid to wait. What if it had been a heart attack, I think about this having had one a few months ago.

The 911 system and the concept of one number that works everyplace is a great idea as everyone (even kids) know how to get help and when traveling its great. But if you take the time to learn the local numbers you can get better response with the direct number. I’m not trying to tare down the 911 system as I’m sure it’s saved numerous lives and will continue to do so. Just pointing out how to possibly get a quicker response to your emergency.


You can run, but you'll only die tired.