I told my story right after it happened, but I'll recap here. I had just cut down a very small tree...approximately 3/4 of an inch in diameter, that was growing behind our gas meter. I had shredded my wire saw...first time it had seen action (made me rethink the practicality!) and finished up with a Gerber camp saw. I decided to trim it down to burn in the fire bowl, so I sat, criss cross applesauce, in my yard and proceeded to saw. Wet, green bark was the only thing connecting the parts I was cutting when the saw slipped and sliced neatly through my leg (was wearing shorts). Surprisingly little blood when you cut down through that much skin. I hobbled into the house, told my wife what happened, and she paused from her phone conversation, without breaking eye contact, said, "I have to go, I'll call you back". Stood up to get the kids from playing in the yard and mumbled something that contained the word "idiot" on her way out the door. She almost wouldn't drive me to the ER!
I too got 4 stitches and tetanus shot...and my story, when asked was, "I was stupid". Much cooler story when I broke my foot during a tae kwon do testing...although that was stupidity on my part too. The cool part of that story was that I finished the last half of my test with the broken foot.

Here's the kicker: Less than two weeks before, I had taught a lesson to a bunch of visually impaired kids on the safe use of kitchen knives! My mantra was, "Always think about where the knife could cut you if it slips!" blush

Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)