That's caught my eye as well Kris.

I'm opting to not add it to my PSK because I'm on a "parring down" kick at the moment. (see how Spartan I can get and still call myself a gear-junkie).

Playing mental games of what I can get rid of and improvise.

This is an on-going dance of ours: trying different stuff and trying to do without different stuff.

That's the cool thing about this place (Thanks Doug).

We can learn from the experiments of others. If you decide to try it out, let us know what worked/ didn't work.

As I'm reading this for grammatical correctness/making sure I didn't say something stoooopid, I noticed a pattern that is rather unsettling to me.

One of the hallmarks of addiction is a pattern of unsuccessfully attempting to cut back or stop what ever it is that the person is addicted to.

I've joked about being a gear-junkie, but this is different twist to it... Gotta find my self a 12 step group.... oh, wait Academy has a sale...maybe I'll stop tomorrow.
samhain autumnwood